Before Baby arrive.
Yes, I can support you, guide you and provide you with the care you need, even before your baby has arrived! Read on to find some ideas on how your Postpartum Doula can be with you during your pregnancy
- Is pregnancy making you tired? Would you like to be nesting but are finding it overwhelming and tiring? Have you been experiencing sickness and could do with some rest and understanding? You can book me to come to your house, before baby’s arrival to help you get your house ready: Clean up, tidy up, get the nursery ready, write up a postpartum plan, cook some meals for the freezer, discussion and information on local services…
- Batch cooking for the freezer: stock up on hearty, healthy wholesome meals for after you have had your baby. Meet me to make a full meal plan and grocery shopping list, then, either order your shopping online and book me in to come to your house and do all the cooking, or let me do the shopping for you, cook from my home and bring you all the meals ready to go into your freezer, hassle free, mess free!
- Birth and postpartum plans. Are you struggling with your birth options and choices? Are you trying to sort out some support and help for your postpartum, but do not know where to start? Call me in for a one to one session where I will be able to offer some information and guidance in writing down all your preferences, as well as what you really do not want.
- Continuity of care. From the moment we have signed a service agreement, I am your Doula! I will make myself available as best I can to support you from the beginning. You can call me, email me, message me via my website and Facebook page, text me… If you have any concerns or questions, I will always do my utmost to support you and inform you with accuracy and up to date information.
During your labour, birth process and while you are in hospital
I may not be a Birth Doula (yet), but I can still offer some support, if you wish, during your labour and while you are in hospital:
- Come to your house while you are labouring to prepare you snacks, look after any other children in the house, keep things tidy, coach you and your birth partner…
- Come to your house while you are in hospital to prepare some meals for when you will come home, keep your house clean and tidy, do some laundry, support your partner…
- Visit you in the hospital to offer you support with breastfeeding, bring you some healthy snacks, offer you some company.
- Come the day you return from hospital to prepare the house for your return and your baby’s arrival: set up some changing stations around your house, prepare a fresh meal, change your bed sheets, clean and tidy up…
THE Postpartum Doula duties
There are actually many different ways you can use a Postpartum Doula.You can decide to have me coming for the first week after the birth for as many hours as you need to provide you with care and support as you settle in with your new-born baby, or stage my visits over a few weeks or months, as you need:
- Offer you a real lying-in period where you can stay in bed with your baby for most of the day if you wish, while I prepare your snacks and meals for your family, entertain any siblings, look after the basic house work and laundry and generally offer you support and companionship. You can pick from a range of morning and evening shifts or even talk to me about potential night shifts. This is what I call "The Royal Treatment"! We can discuss pricing to suit your budget.
- You can also stage your support over a few weeks for on-going support in the early months. I have great flexibility and will always do my utmost to provide you with the service you need.
- I can provide some care and support without coming to your home. Not everyone needs or wants their Doula to come to their home on a regular basis. I can answer many questions or concerns via email, whatsapp, messenger, text… I can also cook you some meals and bring them to you when you need.
- I aim at tailoring the support to each family, I will consider your specific situation and requirements and discuss your care and support options to offer the best and most adequate service.